

In hope of a dawn
Here we are in hope of a dawn,
Drowned in the furious streams that were once calm;
Searching for a tinge of light,
Yes, we now are indeed out of sight;
Mother nature gave us a warning once,
But we turned a deaf ear to her at once.

The good wide world that kept us warm,
We have caused it infinite harm;
We cut her shady beautiful trees,
Never did we know that we'd be out of pure breeze;
We penetrated deep into her heart, And turned it into mere broken parts.

Filled with pain and helplessness, she cried..
But all that we did was walk with manly pride;
We killed her forest's children mercilessly,
And she wept on silently..
Never did we hear her cries,
Admit it folks, we've never been nice;
Never did we hear her pleadings
And neither did we plant any seedlings;

And here we are, standing numb in front of her fury,
Of course, no forgiveness will be given to us by her jury;
Now the God's own country is devastated,
Because to us, nature's jaw dropping powers were once under-rated;

Here we are in hope of a dawn,
Drowned in the furious streams that were once calm;
Searching for a tinge of light,
Yes, we now indeed are out of sight;
Mother nature gave us a warning once,
But we turned a deaf ear to her at once.
© Gayathri Mukund