

The Last Day of November

As November recedes, welcoming winter sunshine,
the birds perched on the fence, flapped their wings,
tweeting all day about their thoughts,
of catching the sun's rays and flying up in the sky.

While the wind is unpredictable, bringing the winter chills,
it lends a soft and pleasurable breeze,
to make the last of the golden leaves skitter down,
while gently swaying with the tree twigs above.

And, just as swiftly as the sun forgets and goes away,
so do the last of the autumnal golden days,
while the grass sighs with glee at being able to slumber,
all throughout the cold, and gloomy winter.

As November spreads melancholy all around,
the colours fade away as the year comes to an end.
which leaves an empty reflection of the days gone by,
with shadows whining about the passage of time.

Though the fallen leaves are tranquilly lying on the grass,
it speaks of the time to settle down in wholeness,
and lose the burden of things unrealised,
for the rest of the year, in search of happiness.

By Jophin Kulangara © 30-Nov-2022

#november #winter #autumn