

Oh, dear.......
Oh, dear... you are...
narrow minded...!
You can't measure
the dimensions
of my love....
My love is like
the highest peak
stands erect
with pride
But you are
a dwarf in age
Hence you can't
raise your head up
and see it's top
And you with your
ant like intellect
can't comprehend
its profound depths
I know you always
like that Freudian
three letterd concept
the same creates
vibration in your limbs
electifies your nerves
with this animal instinct
you try to mate
with someone
who satisfy
your... eye
Though I am capable
I don't do so...
That so-called lover
keeps you at the bottom
But I placed a throne
in my heart
and I offered it to you...!
I made you my Goddess...!
To... you....
all this is nothing
but trash.....
and a mad man's brash
But why I still continue
my silent love....?
Is it because
love is blind..?

© Bala Visweswara Rao Pratapa