

Li'l sister's day
Today is my li'l sister's birthday
Lovely as a day, serene as a night
a little angel was born on this day
being there for me to my delight

The pranks we like to play😈
concealed mischievousness as they say
owes to the innocence that we display🥺
still being childish with dolls we play🎎🧸

With her my childishness unfolds
singing nursery rhymes and games😻
the reason why my craziness soars🥳
my happiness knows no bounds💗

With me she opens up
to the world she's serene as lamp🏮
brightens my day cheers me up👏
without her life would be bit damp💤

When I am miffed up
Tickles me into laughter😆
pokes joke to cheer up🤗
for reasons unknown we both snigger🤭

Didn't know when from sisters
we became best of friends👭
a thing my mind now ponders
sister cum friend bit rare it blends💕

for I know the company you keep me
the quarrels and bit of taunts we pass
best crime & fitness partner for me 🤼‍♀️😜
to Bubbles & Blossom this glass🥂

Cat fight all day long😼
prlonged gossips at night🙊
pillow fight comes along
She makes my day & night bright🤩

With each passing year
my wishes remains the same
for love isn't seasonal or for a year
it remains intact till & in our case beyond the end of time !

I dedicate this short poem to my li'l sister Bubbles💗😘

Do forgive for this very short poem and haphazardly written (just a few minutes ago)... have excluded many a things we do, for the sake of keeping secrets which we are best at😉 to be practical, the list would just go on and on... so rendered it as concise a possible#@Bubbles... Just my li'l effort to make your day as special as you are❣️