

There’s No History
Los Angeles contains no history
That’s probably what attracted me to begin with
A foot in cement and a forgotten past
Lies between past and present
Historical significance of Hasting’s Battle
Pales in comparison to the destined sunset
Derived from a time long forgotten
Nobody who doesn’t specialise in linguistics and history
Can not possibly casually contain accurate recount
Of a Battle that changed history
Yet attempts are still made

However, what is the purpose of history?
Something that reminds us each day of what we’ve given up?
Or rather strength inserted within us,
A reminder of how far we’ve come
Not just individually, but also societally
Regardless of history’s purpose
Life would be beneficial without it
Is history fundamental?
Or is it a cruel person’s formation of emotional torture?
We will never know

Does history reproduce societal functions?
Who ever thought that such high costs are existent
For something that should be abundant?
Social inequality still remains
It seems history has no sufficient purpose
As lessons that supposedly had been noticed have yet to be learnt

History is overrated
The past is overrated