

Love gone wrong
His love for me
felt like taking pictures that
never appear on your gallery
He went cold on me
like the drink
we forget in the deep freezer
I thought it could be real
how when you can't touch it??
There was I standing on
no backbone
but he behind me
so weak and vulnerable
I couldn't even lean
slide through his arms
like water dripping
you can't hold me man
nor can you carry me
with the kids so young in my womb
the man implied he fancied no kids
do you think those woman
carrying water pots long distances
had a choice??
life has choices
one of which stands by its own
as the only choice
a man ain't no honey
but he comes sweet
to end up tasting sour
a man ain't good enough
lest he loves you

© ©MT-Penda