

Alone in the woods
I was out alone in the woods
in the thick of the night
hoping the stars would see me
and ease me of this weight
on this shoulder and my heart
Tell me it's okay,
that it'll all be fine in the end.

Hoping that stars would tell me
how beautiful I look
under the moon
Hoping the stars would
come down and hold me,
grab me by my shoulders
Hug me and tell me lots
about galaxies.

Hoping the stars would touch
the depth of my soul and
remind it not to fret.

I was out alone in the woods
with no sting of fear in my veins
Hoping the stars would tell me
about tommorow
about years to come
Maybe I'll still be here every night
hoping the leaves would turn
or I'll be living my dreams
and never return
But would still love the stars.

© Dele

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