

The lady in the mirror
1.Elegance and beauty at its best
Something more precious than diamonds and rubies
She infested my soul like a ravaging pest
She stung me with love deadlier than rabies
Pure krobo pearl, I call her Afiyoe
Class on class, she's my money, she's my dough

2.I grimaced, I cried in pain
She rested her glorious temple on my bosom
As she wiped my heart of every stain
Now my body is lit, everything seems to blossom
Pure krobo girl, I call her Afiyoe
She is the belle, I am the beau

3.I walked down a dungeon into a dangerous lair
Felt deserted,Felt like all hope was lost
She rescued me and whispered..honey I care
Love brewed and served at no cost
Pure krobo pearl, I call her Afiyoe
From her source , my happiness flow

4.Sweet,succulent mango from Odumase
Her addictive fragrance lights up my eyes
From Aburi mountains down to kenyase
From earth,now we are sailing across the skies
Pure krobo pearl, I call her Afiyoe
Stricken by a plague but she made life glow!

5. Is she the daughter of pharaoh?
I'm confused ,muddled and in awe
Glued tightly to my bones like marrow
Among God's herd, she is the standout ewe
Pure krobo pearl, I call her Afiyoe
Rolls my world back and forth like a yoyo