

Tough Time
Tough time never last
In a blink of an eye, it's gone.
Think positively at all time
like smoke it will fade

Atimes, life seemss it will soon be over.
But in reality, it's never over.
Very soon goodness will turn over.
Like a roller it will turn around.

Never lose hope,
Let not your emotions dominate your presence.
Reality of life,
It is fullof trials

Even the rich faced it and get tired
After that they left and retired
But the face it with hope and determination
At the end there comes solution.

Do not think heavily about your horrible situation
Rather, let your brain finds it solutions
Every tough times is trial
It is always ready to tie you down

Wait patiently with hope.
Settle your brain and mind
lndeed,they are ready to sort things out
With effort you will succeed

Be ready to smile
These era is never permanent
Be strong to celebrate your fortune
More than you have fought your battles
Surely you will win the raffles.

..... Baby Jade

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