

Dear mom, in all my years, whenever mothers day, comes around, I have given you, small gifts, that I, bought, or things, that I made, while making cards, or buying cards and deliveries, of fresh cut flowers, or those times, I picked flowers, along the road, or sometimes, just things, that to me, shows my love, but not really once, have I, really told you, verbally, or written, in a note, to say, or have you read, just how amazing, a mother, that you are and how, truly blessed, I am, to have you, in my life, as you, carried me, for nine months, within your body, as I, have slept, many nights, on your breasts and have been nursed, by your milk, or you, have kissed, my boo-boos and mended, my broken heart, or got me, to laugh, so hard, or when, I was sick, I would unfortunatly, at times, end up puking, on you, which I, do apologize for, not to mention, being peeing on, or pooped on too, while changing me, as I know too, you spent, sleepless nights, in that rocking chair, while you put, me back to sleep, from nightmares, or watched over me, when I, had a temperature, but I know, from all these years, you would not, have had it, any other way.

So now, on this mothers day, as I, am much older, sometimes wiser, but not, often and now, have children, of my own, I understand, all the sacrifices, you made, for me, teaching me and helping me, to be, the woman, the mother, that I am, from your examples and so, from the bottom, of my heart, I wish you, on this mothers day, all the love, I can give you, with simple hugs and kisses, to show you, to tell you, in this note, that you, are my role model, my inspiration and I hope, to be, like the mother, you were, to me.
© PinkPajamaKisses&TeddyBearHugs