Poem- What's so wrong?? (poema en español e ingles ambos)
Writer- A Juniors!
Nothing comes easy,
you have to make a start,
with a first step to take,
you soon acquire a lot.
What's wrong in earning something,
by spending a penny matter?
One day the whole world,
will be at your feet by spending those pennies.
What's wrong in moving the pawns forward before the king?
Ensuring the king is safe before deciding to move his next step,
what matters if the pawns die,
but if the king dies, whom will the pawns listen to?
If work is done cleverly, what's wrong with that?
It's not like it's something bad; everyone does it.
But if someone outsmarts you,
you won't be able to ask for anything except justice.
Has anyone gained anything by staying good?
Will you keep enduring...