

The damaged me
Expectations! the word that has broken the lenses I use to see the world. Smiling his the art I keep on practicing every day just to keep up with the worlds expectation....at night the claws from beneath my bed pull off all the art work I did during the day exposing my damaged soul beyond explanation. "What a perfect young man" ,are the words that befits my definition,,,thats only during the day has my pretence gets all the appreciation.
A broken heart with a broken soul those are the two things I can't show to avoid condemnation. "how can I be broken when my full name Is Restoration?", the answer only brings more questions.
Alone is how a grew up storing up all this devastation, every night waiting for a father who doesn't show up injected me with the highest form of depression.
cheating on women was a result of trying to obtain acceptance,am sure you can't understand for you don't know how it feel to drown in the ocean of rejection. happiness was all around i just never had a license of participation. I have seen darker days of which people pay less attention,,only when you mess up then they overshadow you with all that information....was trained to be there for myself as the only form of protection.....I know this can't be an excuse but it was the only solution.
© BlessedRestoration