

Gasping for breath as I climbed,
Lying down on my back,
Looking towards the sky,
The sky gleamed colours white and blue.

A flare of gold, lavender shrivelling saffron unfold.
The rushing, rumbling sound of the cascades, stomped in my ear.
Sunshine, Shaping Rainbow as it passes mist over.

The Valley resembled Heaven, Astounding was the view.
Intriguing end I am moving towards you,

Breeze nuzzled my hair, water droplets throbbed my skin.
As I touched the end everything looked stunning.
My every nerve softened, My soul healed and alleviate.
As the water splashed down deep, all my pain and problems plummeted.
Waterfalls are Heaven, it's where the angels reside.
It bestows you with a camper of god's orifice

© igneouszest