

Rekindling May
As the new year unfurled, our texts were few,
But a promise of momos, with a friend so true.
Shyness and shame, like shadows, did loom,
Yet hope whispered softly, dispelling the gloom.

April's gentle nudge, a text here and there,
A question of missing, an answer laid bare.
May Day brought reunion, a shared embrace,
Troubles poured out, in a quiet space.

Together we ventured, to our friend so dear,
Daily texts blossomed, drawing us near.
Twice alone we met, hearts in tow,
Beyond the friendship, a deeper glow.

Exams built walls, time stood still,
Yet once they fell, we had time to fill.
He led me to kin, a family's welcome sight,
And two days hence, in love's bold light.

No longer hidden, our affection displayed,
In front of a friend, our romance conveyed.
Gratitude for forgiveness, a wish to amend,
A hope for us, that will not end.

Destiny's hand, thrice has it dealt,
In fate's grand design, our hearts have felt.
Even if paths diverge, my wish remains,
For his joy, his love, free from pains.

May our bond strengthen, in time's vast sea,
For he is the heart, and the heart is he.
© Lily Grace