

I don't come here all the day,
All the time
I come here when I need something
When I need peace
When I'm very happy I visit
When I'm not happy, I still visit
I get new ideas here
I see alot of people spending happy times with their families ❤️
I get a lot of positivity here
I get to talk with my unknown neighbours
I make friends with people here
I love the Moon 🌚
I love to see the Sun 🌞
I started to love nature
I started to love wind
I started to talk with them!😍
When I sit here for sometime, trust me, I feel happy, I feel better!❤️
I love my alone time here !✨
Even this poem s written in this heaven!
I'll get to open to lots of ideas here!
I study here, I sing here, I play here, I exercise here! I enjoy here all the time
When you love your home, you will definitely love your Terrece!✨❤️

© shepens