

The mirror 🪞 me
When I look at me,I can see me just in a opposite direction.
it, like becoming everything I stood against, making me lose all the relation.
am so far way from me,it's like being lost without any hope for redemption.
my life is breaking down, the painful part is that am the one behind the demolition.
friends think am okay, I guess that's why I receive all those exhortation..........
in reality my truthfulness is a building which as never seen completion.
there is more lies in me than the sand on the beach,,,,yaaa I know those lies are way beyond human calculation.
I have this weight on my shoulders which only being truthful can help me out,but it would mean losing everyone I ever care about,,,,I must admit am way to scared of separation.
when I look at the mirror I no longer see my reflection,it's like looking at yourself and seeing someone who deserves an execution.
I have moved alone for so long I believe another few more years can't harden the situation.
the only truth I know so far is that christ loves me with all my errors, and his love is not attached to any expectation.
in as much I deserve the execution it felt good when I got to know that someone died on my behalf, I guess that's why it's called the gospel because its a very unbelievable information.

© blessedRestoration