

Listen whatever she says,
Never ask to pays.
The more sacred her name is, the more sacred her existence,
Everything gets pure,
After her occurence.

The bank of ganga is the gate to heaven,
Every ages comes seven to Eleven.
She starts her journey from the colds of Himalayas,
and ends at the beautiful Bengal.

Ganga means sacred and pure,
Persons with dirty intentions,
can't touch her pureness and shore.
Her waves have their own shore,
Because she flows in Sacred core.

Have you seen my pure Ganga,
Are you sure?
If no, so go and see her waves,
before they also became impure.
Everything depends what you think,
If you think her as a mother, then she is a mother, if no,
Then she is only a flowing water.

Oh Ganga! who lives with the sages,
Is now, captured and kept in the cages.
You and me can become old and old,
but she is a mother with a golden heart and pure soul.

Always be memorable,
The immortal soul.
as pure as the Himalayas,
where the Ganga is born.

-Vaishnavi Anand.

© vaishnavi Anand