

Dear Friend
Written by S.A.Y.

He was my friend, and a dear friend he was
We stirred up and caused trouble, just because
We ate lunch and sat, laughed and chat
He was my friend, a dear friend at that

A negative influence, he certainly was
I copy and follow him, I do as he does
I am rebellious and unlawful, just because
He was the dearest friend there ever was

Time after time, I fought and I talked
With venom in my throat, and walking the walk
My friend is sent away, but I am still the same
My friend has created a monster, that cannot be tamed

Months go by and no sign of him
I begin to think the school won’t sign him in
After all his trouble and all his havoc
They said, “this is enough, we just won’t have it”

A year goes by, I am still the same
The wannabe gangster, unbound by chains
Throwing up signs and walking the walk
Online, there is much talking of talk

My friend is dead, a drug overdose
I wish that instead, he were in comatose
I change my ways and kill the monster with a stake
So that I may not share my dear friend’s fate

© S.A.Y.