

My forever love
My forever love there you where ever so beautiful like a ray of sunshine sipping through the clouds I never imagine finding you
you came in to my life unexpected and there your energy was so bright and loud
I was without words
I had to talked to you so
i walked to you and surrendered to you essence
your extravagant yet alluring gaze and the intencity was impeccable
my heart flutter bye the beat of your heart slowly syncing together as one
why is it that we are so inspired bye the act of response to one another lack of fulfilling emotions to share each others sensual feelings wanting to pull you close to my chest grasping each other's body slowly discovering the inner body siloet softly caresing your skin as i mesure curve bye curve of your soft skin like silk
my forever love awaken in me my passion to live to love you and share my bed my shower my table my posecions my riches and my wealth walking together holding hands as the sunset on the beach will you be my forever love...
© Jesus valdez