

Simple Pleasures
Early, the morning barely risen
is my favorite time to embark outside
while the insects sleep
so that I may hang my sopping laundry undisturbed,
inhaling deep the world waking with me.

What is it about the closeline,
the gentle breeze teasing my toes
as the sun meanders over my tea cup
that elicits such a sharp, startling pleasure.

Could it be, the weeds like children's hands
reaching towards my drying clothes
causing my breath to catch and hold fearful to disturb the dragonfly
resting on the dandelion
inches from my fingertips

Even now, hours past, into afternoon
I am reluctant to move a single muscle
not even, to turn my head to follow
the scent of warm cotton and denim
casting shadows on now lukewarm chai
© Fae Hilscher