

Unlocked From Love
I keep a locket next to my heart
so once you are away
I can open it and look on you
An how I miss you
An how at least I did
send some time with you
Now I tear at the thought
of how your gone
and all the others look for new
but moments earlyer on it was all
about you
Now it he don't want nothing to do with that
so no women beaten down from other evils can come back and pick up the hurt
An cast it aside from here a weird species saying I do this and he don't give a blank about her
as she laughs in my face but wants to see my pain everyday
So I hide my pain and pray for
not so evil days to bring rain
and wash away my tears
and those trying at me all the time
which the weird others left me with
once they got them to turn on me
then left us all and diss the whole
lot of us
what can change this for us
oh vacations and a walk away from
this kind of mischief
which got me thinking oh
past insane.
But you can't lock up
a person locked out of love from her lover so all I can do is cry the blues
and keep cool under bad pressure this way or that way.One day it will be better far away
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