

Thunderstorm Warning
Raindrops fall from rain clouds like bombs drop from the sky, the only difference is remove all the explosive sounds and the plane as it flies by, nothing is dry, sunshine is a lie the weather man spoke, upset because my hat and clothes are now soaked, it's no joke and no redemption from your outrageously wrong no rain prediction, radar glitching so damn right I'm bitching, plus I don't remember this storm being mentioned and it was a must, can't understand what's being said over the high velocity wind gust, the national weather service has me a bit nervous, it's getting worse and I can confirm this, according to Next Rad its gonna be bad it's going to be the worst weather we've ever had, producing a twister or tornado to ransack this town like it's built out of playdough, but if your underground you'll be ok though, at least that's what they say yo, do they really know what it is they show on cable, a wall cloud and funnel that's stable, get to cover if your able, a bathroom closet or under a kitchen table, a fable of a creation constructing this volatile situation being told by the men and women at the weather station, temptation to go outside and look at how many houses the violent winds took, by took I mean destroyed, within the neighborhood how big is the void of empty space, how many roofs need replaced and how many other properties where left in a complete waste, to many is what I fear and the sirens just blew the all clear from what I hear, anticipating heartbreak like a sad country song, would you look at that, there's not a damn thing wrong, nothing has been mistreated, when I could of sworn a few minutes ago we we're about to be deleted, cancelled, deflated or at the very least unwillingly relocated, and the weather people, they can all believe in what they want not to be to blunt, but I was there and I saw the fear and the tornado straight up jumped.
Nothing or no one wants to come here!
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