

clearing out drafts...so...here!
Time is something that doesn't care how long it's been since we were last togeather, or the fact I miss you more than I would like to admit, occupying the days that we are apart with anything I could find to do.
However nothing could distract this lonely heart knowing that someone exists as beautiful as you.
Being something that cannot be turned back, it uses the past as a reminder of what we have had to go through and all that is left is a blank empty canvas and I would have been content if it was just a picture of you.
Whispers in the night when I pretend that you are there, is the memory of all the good times we had together, the way you smell or the way you would do that thing with your hair...
I will never forgive time for taking you away from me, leaving life no choice but to continue to exist even though it is completely unfair...
God I will miss you for always
Loving you was the pinical of my life. how could anything else compare?
© M.P.T