

One day of Realization
It is a story about that day,
when the seed was sown.
A dormant seed,
whose existence was unknown.

Waters of hope,
helped the roots grow.
With time,
the seedling did show.

As it grew into a plant,
had to protect it from the storm.
During the heat and cold,
spent sleepless nights to keep it warm.

Then came a day,
it grew into a tree.
With its huge self,
it set its branches free.

People looked at it
with admiration.
It seemed my hard work
received affirmation.

To see it in its position,
my happiness beamed.
My spirit claimed,
“I did it in the end”.

Then came that day,
when the realization dawned.
No matter how hard it seemed,
no longer would remain the bond.

The tree with its beauty
still remains at that place.
With the family that took shelter
and lives there with grace.

The roots of the old tree,
stood firm and intact.
While I return to another place,
ready to grow a new plant.
© feelme