

Melancholy of Memories
Beneath the attic of my heart, shadows linger,
Melancholy of memories, a silent singer.
Echoes of laughter, whispers of tears,
A gallery of moments, spanning many years.

Photographs yellowed, like autumn leaves,
Melancholy of memories, my heart grieves.
Time's bittersweet touch on a feeble mind,
A sentimental journey, memories entwined.

Each recollection, a faded song,
Melancholy of memories, where echoes throng.
Footsteps in the corridors of yore,
A nostalgic symphony, forevermore.

Faces and places, like a fleeting dream,
Melancholy of memories, a gentle stream.
Tender and haunting, the past's embrace,
A tapestry woven with love and grace.

Through the mist of time, a wistful gaze,
Melancholy of memories, in a nostalgic daze.
Yet, within each tear, a sparkle of the sublime,
A tribute to the moments that stood the test of time.

© TheRetro_Reader