


Remarkable was the day of your birth,
You were, to me, the most beautiful on Earth.
You looked at me with green eyes that shine,
Everyday I thanked God that you were mine.
As I think back to those priceless years,
Happiness fills my eyes up with tears.
Remarkable was your childhood for me,
You were everything that a daughter should be.
You brought to me so much joy and laughter,
Year after year, chapter by chapter.
oh how the years they passed by too soon,
I'm sorry I died that damned afternoon.
I promise I swear I did not know I would die,
You both know I'd had told you goodbye.
I will Remember our journey for all of time,
please Live your life and please keep your shine.
so know this Tonight when you close your green eyes
Tho I'm out of sight I won't leave your side.
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