

The sound of the clock
Clack, clack, clack
The sound of the clock on the wall
Each sound represents the passage of time
Each movement of the hand is a warning
A warning that time and tide waits for no man
Clack, clack, clack
The echoes of the most precious asset of nature
As seconds are converted to minutes
And minutes are converted to hours
The instrument that measures the existence of nature
Clack, Clack, Clack
The rhythm that wakes many from their sleep
The signal that puts many on their feet
As twenty-four hours transcends into a day
And seven days culminates into a week
The sound that dictates the pace of events in nature
Clack, clack, clack
Sudden break in silence as birds sing in the morning
A gentle breeze set the tree branches in motion
Many people prepare and ready themselves for the day's task
The beginning of a new day
Clack, clack, clack
The sound which rewards those who are faithful
The sound which punishes those who do not obey
The device which has put many out of work
The machinery which has kept many unemployed
It's worse enemy is the thief of time ( procrastination)
Clack, clack, clack
The shout of a mother in pain
The impatient stroll of a man
The rush of people struggling to save a life
Which minute will produce the rhythm
The rhythm that announces the birth of life
Clack, clack, clack
The sound that indicates the moment of pain
The moment of grief and sorrow
Moments of departure
Which hour shall bring these sad moments
Clack,clack, clack
The rhythm of the clock
The device that tells the time of natural events
The sound that scares many
The sound that thrills many
The sound that excites many
The device that gives account of time
Clack, clack, clack
I can still hear the sound of the clock