

Beneath the moon's pale glow, a tale of dread unfurls,
Mothman's haunting flight, from West Virginia to Ohio's world.
With wings of shadowed silk, he soars through the night,
Eyes aglow like embers, casting an eerie light.

From Point Pleasant's bridge to the hills afar,
Mothman's presence felt like a chilling memoir.
Whispers of his sightings, tales of doom and despair,
A phantom in the darkness, a creature beyond compare.

He haunts the lonely roads, where fear takes its hold,
A messenger of tragedy, his story yet untold.
His form a mystery, his intentions unknown,
The Mothman's legend lingers, in the hearts of those alone.

In West Virginia's valleys and Ohio's shadowed land,
Mothman's presence lingers, a legend that will stand.
A symbol of the unknown, a creature of the night,
The Mothman's haunting presence, a source of endless fright.

Beware the moonlit skies where darkness intertwines,
For the Mothman may appear with his ominous signs.
In West Virginia to Ohio, his legend still resides,
The Mothman's chilling presence forever in our minds.

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