

The season is here!

Some have started calling for secrete meetings.

Sentiments and propaganda are beginning to be fabricated... Ready to be sent to the market... Oh, how pitiable are the gullibles! Their innocent minds are about to be poisoned - with lies.

The pseudo love will soon be unchained.
Oh ye 'pure water' hawkers and wheelbarrow pushers, get ready! The influential people seeking public offices will soon enrol in your petty businesses - temporarily!

Road side food vendors, please make your dishes less delicious - they'll manage - and take enema with champagne.

Greek gifts are in the offing - watchout! False benevolences, we will see on daily basis - again and sadly, still temporarily.

Oh what a bittersweet moment for the 'know nots' - and applaudable intelligent dribbling skills for the 'knows'... What do they call it? Political strategy? Some say it's image laundry... In the end, and quite sadly some images are laundered for another's laundry.

Impatient fellows,
We're in 2022!

Why the rush? Is it confidence or inconvenience?

Again, I say relax... For it's not about he that runneth but he that finishes.
What will be, will be.

Or don't you think so?
© Joshua Books