

Down the Ocean
My heart raced whenever I remember I still have a long way to go,
My head beat so hard wondering if I'll ever achieve my goal,
I cried when I think of past years 'cause have been an asshole.

Here I am, threading the path I never wish to walk,
I look ahead to the road to see if I can get some luck,
Depression and regrets is all I got.

Growing here all alone with my decisions is a big tug of war,
My mind' s not clear I'm just trying not to break the law,
So many efforts I put all around, deep down I know they are useless,
Let me get to the point I get some rest,
I'm definitely changing my gear,
I have chosen not to get wrecked.

The lights of hope flickered, but it's so little,
Holding to my dream I'm afraid it might cripple,
The blood in my veins of growth is almost gone,

A little step I might fall into the oceans....
The oceans, the deep, cold and dark oceans...
Where all feelings are gone, when your lungs are filled the last saves.....
And I'll smile as I go deeper where no man has ever been..
Where no light as ever touch, where no emotions will ever burst,
and finally I'll close my beautiful eyes for they have seen enough.

© Fola_bird