

In A Land They Say Is Green
Somewhere in Africa,
Is a land they say is green.
New graves for two hundred and fourty children,
Many more before the end of the year
when starvation visits daily.
It was likely their second or third fight
but against malnutrition;
and their immunity could do no justice.
Cows are served, the masses starved!
There was suppose to be a home.
but we got lost in,
and displaced off;
the little to no comfort of a shelter and,
the feeling is gone.

Somewhere in Africa,
is a "Giant",
slowly losing grip of its members;
by forces invisible
to the authorities that be.
Revenge is of the maker,
And their responsibilities
and the arm of the law,
shortened and chained
by the powerlessness of inactivity
with a face turned the other way
And whose roof is leaking anyway?
But I weep, for the unnatural deaths
and increasing social vices
and more so, for a law and justice system
that is selectively available,
forever holding up a sword
that never really strikes.

And there are the Jokers,
suffering and smiling.
They say free education for all,
Many years in the class rooms
but you know how much it cost
even with its failing standards..,
and yet; only the fortunate few..
and how does it matter?
The god of promises came through,
but with their summoned stocks
getting the bests of it all, away
from a land they say is green.

And health is wealth
in a land they say is green,
How green is your health?🤔
but I've lost my doctor..
Said it's greener on the other side;
It's where the president go
the others and the minister of health 🙄.
Why memories?
They left their promises
and oaths of office,
but for us to keep.
And their one true love & core values;
the ever updated standards of their pockets.
And who tends to the sick?
But in a land they say is green.

And where, traveling abroad
is a dream of a life time,
A cemetery for loots of leaders.

Where dreams die daily,
where money is made,
sweat or blood, no one cares
yes, not even the church!
where moral decline is branded
the new normal.
where you can be wrong for being right.
where vices are the new laws,
and more families are being birthed
off failing families & faulty foundations,
where talking is the new action,
where who you know supercedes
eligibility & credibility.
With ever evolving meganess of churches,
but where we needed factories.
With prisons, filled beyond capacity
and somewhere beyond here;
prisons are shutting down
due to lack of offenders.
Where leadership is best defined
by the bulkiness of
the contents of your loots.
Where all is well that never really is.
Where survival, became the new living.
But, in a land they say is green.

© Manuel Ovie Oburhie, 28th November 2018.