

Whispers of Innocence: A Childhood Symphony

In the garden of innocence, where laughter blooms,
Childhood danced, dispelling all glooms.
Golden days wrapped in the warmth of the sun,
A kaleidoscope of memories, where joy was spun.

Hide and seek in the shadows of ancient trees,
Whispers of adventures carried on the breeze.
Imagination soared like a fearless flight,
In the realm of dreams, bathed in pure delight.

Crayon rainbows painted on the canvas of the sky,
Friendship sealed with promises, reaching high.
Ice cream melodies sung by the passing breeze,
Chasing fleeting butterflies, hearts at ease.

Bicycle wheels turning in rhythmic rhyme,
Echoes of carefree days frozen in time.
Moonlit stories shared under a starry dome,
Childhood's symphony, an everlasting poem.

Oh, the magic of simple moments so divine,
A treasure trove of innocence, forever mine.
Tribute to the whispers of laughter, wild and free,
In the sanctuary of childhood, where I'll always be.
© Pebble galaxy