

once i was the happiest man in the world with the warm love I felt from my wife and my little girl

both of them beautiful and seem to have a luminal glow and infectious smile that would fill your soul you would never want to let them go

with my head held high proud to walk with them each on one side as night would get colder they would lay thier heads on my shoulder i would feel the love that would rush over

a firm hold on my arm i would fight till the death to keep them from harm let there be no mistake they were my world my beautiful girls

Nothing could have prepared me for what was about to un furel what my wife had planned to cause my destruction as this man and what i held dear betrayed by my wife my biggest fear

A pain was so severe to betray and not clear for whatever reason for this high treason but not long after my babygirl stop breathing just a month 18

to say pain fill my being would not describe the scene raging inside me an inferno so hot its taking all I got to refrain I screeeeam

I look to the sky as dark clouds start to form above I cry to heaven to protect and wrap me with love I pray for temperance from what I am about to become the opposite of love spell it backwards and evil its reborn

now a man filled with rage i start to disengage while evil and hate fill my vaines what once was pure it did take
now on a path to desimate the one I loved now hate this will not disapate until I see her delivered fate for my daughters life she did take

© David Barrett

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