

Life is a maelstrom,
In the middle I stand,
Sinking, deeper and deeper,
My arms stretched out,
I call out, anguish in my voice,
I fear the depths I'm falling into,
The pain I feel is immense,
There's no one to hear me,
My cries echo back to me,
As if to mock me,
To remind me of my loneliness

Life is void,
Empty, silent and dark,
I can't see a way out of this,
My arms try to grasp anything, anyone,
All I feel is the touch of isolation,
I'm a lonely planet,
Orbiting a dead star,
I cry out for help into the deep,
But there's no one to hear me,
Not even an echo resonates,
As if denying me my very existence

Life is nothing but bitterness, regrets, heartbreaks, rejection and entropy,
My suffering batters me,
And I wonder if such a life is worth living,
The darkness clouds everything beautiful,
Rains of sorrow fall and germinate the misery I feel,
Day in and day out,
I hear the voices telling me that it will be okay,
I nod my head,
I know they will never feel the misery I feel,
The demons only I can see,
The harrowing melody only I can hear

And as life goes on,
I realise that birth, so revered and appreciated, and the journey thereafter are nothing but absurd,
I am a slave to the torment haunting me,
And there is no respite,
Just acceptance and defiance,
Against the very fabric of existence itself,
Nothing can stop me,
Despite the mountains, the narrow, thorny paths,
Despite the cold and cruel hands of fate,
I stand tall and strong,
O universe, O entropy, and the sorrow they bring,
I defy you,
And unto my last breath I will endeavour to face you
© solum_orbis