

My Child
Will I ever see your sweet, tiny face,
Or get to feel your small, warm embrace?
Since I was young I have dreamt of you here,
But year after year my hope turns to fear.
Fear that I won't feel you kick in my tummy,
And fear that I won't hear you call me your mommy.
I wonder and I dream what you'd be like,
Would you like dolls or trucks? would you like riding bikes?
I'm not the only one that will love you, you see,
Your daddy, he has four kids so you alone won't be .
Two brothers, two sisters that'll love you a bunch,
And a mommy and a daddy who already love you so much.
I pray every night, for you, I pray everyday,
That God will finally send you, and that he will say,
Here's your baby, for whom you've waited so long,
I know that you're ready, you'll be a great mom.
But as the days turn to months and months into years,
The reality it you may never be here.
If I had just one wish for all of my life it would be,
To meet you, to touch you, and be your mommy.

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