

Let Me Be The One
Let Me Be The One

You're still searching,
For the one who will be there on your side in every time you need
For the one who will support you in everything you do
For the one who can understand you.

You're still finding,
For the one who's willing to sacrifice everything for you,
For the one who will care for you
And for the one who will love you forever

That one who will never say 'I'm sorry'
But forever will say 'I love you'
That one who will not broke promises
And willing to give his life for you, just to fulfill the promise

Why are you searching for me?
I'm here, always on your side.
You just didn't notice me
But I'm always here, loving you my child

Seek for Me,
I will be always on your side
I will support you all the time
I will understand you
Because, my Child, I know everything about you.

Ask me,
I sacrificed My life for you,
Isn't it enough to show how much I love you?
I will always care for you,
And I will love you forever
'Coz only with me, forever really exist.

Let me be that one,
Who you're searching for.
I can be that one,
Who can love you like no one else can do
I promise you, I will not break your heart like people do.

Just love me back,
In all you can do.
© nyrle