


The beat pulsates like a steady drum
As the speakers hum, the crowd becomes one
Lost in the rhythm, bodies sway
Music's power, impossible to convey
But beyond the dance and the carefree fun
Lies a message, a war that must be won
For music holds a power, strong and true
To break down barriers, and change our view
In a world of social unconsciousness
Where inequality thrives in its harshness
Music shines a light, a beacon of hope
A reminder that we're all in the same boat
From the party jams to the soulful croons
Music unites us, regardless of our wounds
It breaks down walls, and bridges the divide
Spreading love and peace, far and wide
No matter our race, our gender, our class
The music speaks to us, it's a universal pass
To leave behind the hate, the judgment, the fear
And embrace each other, with open hearts and ears
So turn up the stereo, let the music play
Let it guide us to a better day
Where social unconsciousness and inequality
Are just distant memories, of a world that used to be
For in this moment, on the dance floor
We are all equal, nothing more
Just souls connected, by a powerful force
That reminds us, love is always the source
So let the party continue, and let the music reign
For it has the power, to heal and sustain
And may it forever, be the soundtrack of peace
Uniting us all, until all hate and injustice cease.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©Dr. Dashaun Snipes
® Stereo
© Son Of The Mourning