

Forget me last
From the earth for which I once came,
And to the earth for which I will return,
May my body rest and my soul find another,
Continue on living without the memory,
Make new memories and forget old pain,
Rest me in peace for the earth is my home of forever peace.
Grow me as trees, grow me as grass, grow me as flowers, and forget me at last.
Forget me please,
Remember me never,
Don't harbor my pain in my absence.
Born with nothing and end with nothing.
Memories I made please disappear,
Don't hold the ones I love in pain like you did me.
I didn't die from out of my control,
I chose to end this life,
There is no need to mourn.
My existence was never needed, and I never wanted it either.
I took my life into my own hands and took my life with my own hands.