

If yes an yes or no a no
No always does not mean a no
Yes not always a yes
It conveys a depth between
That would rarely surface

No to a friendship, a gathering, a mob
How many times before have they made
You feel lost or worked on your weakness
To make you the show
The no you say comes of hurt and the know

The yes to a broken relation
Is often for the mundane
They know they don't work
But are too broken to be singly sane
Or fearful of the judging world
Afraid to hurt some precious ones

The no to a job, an offer, a proposal
Aren't it because , such earlier fell apart
Role promises forgotten .. just mere pressure
And stress to get work done at any pretense

The yes to a work.. is it for joy
Of doing something new, a little more
Or is it the fear that if you say no
Someone will take away their perks and tools

Fearless abandon, joyful expression
Wishes to clouds, creativity .. no exclusion
Is a wish, a dream, an expression of peace
Till then Yes and No keeps unsaid
A lot in between ...
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