

Fight for what is yours....
Have the courage to leave what's not.
You are no more less than any individual out there..
You will never find the other like you there in the world.
You are unique in your own way...
Learn to fight what is yours...!!!
Survival is no more compromising you unique..!!
It is no more Silence screams,no more a bearing burden,no more letting go,no more leaving behind.
Have the strength to raise your clinched fist with the fire of red hot blood volcanoes from your heart.
Raise your voice against injustice....
Never fear to give a voice for the voiceless.
It is better to die instead to live in silence against the obliteration of your uniqueness.
How ashamed it is to mute your own voice???
It is better to swallow red hot coal than being a voiceless in the midst of your revolution.
Raise it...!!!
I say Raise it against your plundered rights.
Fight for what is yours....Dare to gift it to the generations ahead.
Be a torch bearer....A human idol inspiration for the Revolution to rejoice your rights.
© C.S.