

Camp fire
I sit by the fire.
Crackling and popping.
the summer winds blow in
times are changing and the weather picks up.
It's still cold though,
winter winds still breeze through.
Shivers trinkle down my spine.
Crackle, snap, pop.

I thought I was alone in the labyrinth of trees,
these gentle giants offering protection from the outside world.
A broken branch,
A tree crys in anguish.
The winds pick up my fire is no match.
Panic sets in
It's too early, I'm not ready.
I try to revive it, I can save it I don't have to be alone.
My relentless blows die out
as I relent to him .
An old friend,
I let the darkness take hold once again.
I cradle what's left of the ashes.
Hoping for warmth.
Hoping to bid farewell to this old familiar friend.
Yet his cold grasp sets in and I'm alone no longer,
I let go of my fire giving in to the darkness.
Atleast I'm not alone no more.