

Reality is an illusion
They convince the majority,
To study, to work
and to make themselves busy,
In a world enriched with,
war, suffocation and agony.
They call it "reality" as
God ordered the human dwarfs,
To believe that reality is daylight.
Oh! Such devastation of mentality!
They address the culture and tradition,
as rulers in the eastern world,
oh! what a misery!
Reality is an illusion!
Look at the world from your,
pair of shining eyes and behold,
That we all live,
in a Floating rock!
Without knowing,
from where we arrived?
or where to go.
How can they call it a reality,
When the moon embraces
the Sky which looks like a dark satin,
with diamond decorations,
burning out the daytime reality,
and making our minds wander,
in true reality,
of peace, calmness and silent nights!

© @Paro