

Ven Pariah
In the realm of shadows, walks Ven Pariah's soul,
An outcast in the dusk, where sorrows take their toll.
With eyes of mystic hue and heart draped in gloom,
A tapestry of secrets weaves in the silent room.

Amidst the moonlit mist, whispers of ancient lore,
The Pariah roams alone, craving solace evermore.
In depths of solitude, a symphony of pain,
Yet a spark of resilience, a beacon to remain.

Through trials and tribulations, they embrace the night,
Embodying resilience, in darkness, they find light.
A paragon of strength, untamed, they rise above,
A serenade of freedom, in every verse they love.

In every verse they love, their essence dances free,
A timeless ode of grace, like waves upon the sea.
A poet of the heart, with words that heal and mend,
Ven Pariah's spirit soars, a journey without end.

Within the aching void, their verses paint the skies,
A dance of solitude, where loneliness defies.
In rhythm and in rhyme, they find their soul's release,
A balm for wounded hearts, a melody of peace.

Their pen a graceful brush, on canvas of despair,
Conveying inner struggles, with art so rare.
Through verses that they weave, a connection they attain,
For in their deepest solitude, they're never truly plain.

In every syllable, a heartbeat's soft embrace,
A rhythmic dance of longing, in a vast, empty space.
Yet in the cadence of their lines, hope starts to gleam,
As Ven Pariah's poetry turns isolation to a dream.

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