

Dived and Crashed
I lie flat on a cold floor like a bacchanalian, sozzled and heart broken...
I lie amidst a crowd of empty bottles, some devastated, others broken...
I lie central to diminishing cancer sticks and spilled pills.
Dived into love with swift celerity like I wasn't told that speed kills.
Ka nnete ngwana magana go botšwa o wela dikomeng tša batho.

Who falls head over heels for a stranger?
Should've listened to my friends when they told me that I'm putting my heart in danger.
Shouldn't have trusted a love-crazed heart to do the thinking...
My brain was supposed to be captain but it's vision was clouded, now my ship is sinking...
It's otiose to cry over spilled milk.
Sepedi sere tšhiwana metša mare bohloko boye le pelo.

I gave you my heart and you split it in twain..
Never thought you'd cause me this much pain...
I wish our memories could turn to dust.
I hate it when glimpses of us kissing creep upon my gyri driving me to near hysteria....
I just wanna heal and move on.


© Tjebane M.B