

A Child's Query In Bishop's Map.
A simple fantasy or wish fulfillment,
A child in you curious in a balcony,
Timelessness of eternal moment,..
Where eternity is a bishop's enrollment,
Cruelty knows that it has no need of
histrionics, it can be as calm and quiet as it likes,it can sigh, or lightly shake its head in
disbelief, or offer a sympathetic apology for whatever it must be,it can move slowly,
methodically, inevitably,
As if Bishop gently laid the map on the
dimpled surface of the eternity desk,
What emotion did the Bishop feel,
Perhaps it was gloating, Having felt belittled for years, perhaps it's now the
pleasure of finally putting pretentious
polymath in the place,
Or perhaps it was righteousness,
Or maybe it was simply the cold satisfaction of the envious,
Gloating, righteousness, satisfaction who
can say??
But the eternity emotions left in the attic,(dumped)
And each moment was an eternal curious.
In fact Coffee, also was an eternal attic☕

© Mishra Poonam