A Child's Query In Bishop's Map.
A simple fantasy or wish fulfillment,
A child in you curious in a balcony,
Timelessness of eternal moment,..
Where eternity is a bishop's enrollment,
Cruelty knows that it has no need of
histrionics, it can be as calm and quiet as it likes,it can sigh, or lightly shake its head in
disbelief, or offer a sympathetic apology for whatever it must be,it can move slowly,
A child in you curious in a balcony,
Timelessness of eternal moment,..
Where eternity is a bishop's enrollment,
Cruelty knows that it has no need of
histrionics, it can be as calm and quiet as it likes,it can sigh, or lightly shake its head in
disbelief, or offer a sympathetic apology for whatever it must be,it can move slowly,