

My birthday poem!
Lord, I thank you for +1!
My heart is flooded from its bay,
Look, away it goes with its undisputed sway!
Seeming like rolls served on a dusted tray.
But I Wedged myself against ‘THE ROCK’ from the prey
And He washed me ashore by His mighty play,
Bringing me on board to see the brightness of the day.
So, to ease my worrisome state,
I started thinking about my fate,
How much time do I offer you to help me, in my ways?
What was my part, to earn this praise?
How many times do I seek for days?
for you to grant me 366 days!
Hmm... Sometimes I feel lazy to pray?
But you didn't leave me astray?
Because my conscience tells me I deserve no pay!
I wonder if I thank you for gift of life?
Yes, the gift of giving me a year and escaping the swarms of strife!
letting my families and friends to hail me with cheers,
Then, with You why should I tread with fears?
To traverse into another life's stage
Till I complete my story, page by page,
Thank you, Lord, for adding a precious year to my age.🙏🙏💃

©Emmakay the poet.