

Wake Up
Dreams of King come and gone
left laying on the Lorraine
What happens to a dream deferred? Well, it turns into a nightmare after a bullet viewed through a scope hits square. Bled out…

Where… do we go from here? I for one… I can no longer dream. My skin in this world cannot afford the opportunity too. I have to stay woke. Cliché? Yes. Truth? The whole truth

I can no longer dream
The Dream talked of blacks and whites walking hand to hand
But the white hand is gripped to the butt of a gun
The white hand is gripped to the head of a pin
While the black hand is raised to the sky
Wake up

The Dream talked of a land where love trumps hate
But we are living in the day where Trump hates love
Wake up

I speak the whole truth
Nothing but the truth so help me
GOD I prayed that you show us to that promise land
The time is imminent
Till we as a people can whistle through the streets
With no fear of being beat
Lead us from under this Plymouth that has us Rocked down to the ground
AMEN and woman
This is our time to wake up
And stay up.
© MarQuavis KaMarri Dottery