

Chaotic Soul Vibes
My soul is sinking right now.
I don't know how to experience this for the first time, manage the emotions, feelings and cranked thought process.
The onset numbness, racing thoughts, and all you can do is sit still feeling every sickness, every part of loneliness, depression, anxiety and fatigue. Anxiety that makes you puke up vile, emptiness, nothingness, disconnection and dissociation.
All with flashbacks or PTSD of vivid memories which are creating visions that are clanking anchors to my soul.
Inside there is motionless space. That "Fuck it" space. The no good "ignoring my problems" space.
Funny as fuck though, steadily laughing at myself until I realize I have a view of a 3rd person perspective. That made me focus.
I'm oddly different. In a creative,...