

Live and let live

In life, take every chance you get
Be happy, be crazy and flamboyant
Learn to cry, learn to laugh
Be who you are, be what you are for you've none to please

Sing aloud even when your voice sucks
Spend all your money on stupid little things
Drink till you finish your last peg
Share the last piece of your cigarette

Colour your moment and live your dream
Light your path with truth and sincerity
Count your blessings and share your happiness
Know your worth and strive for the best

Believe in the beauty of your dreams
Keep running, walking, crawling but don't you ever stop
Keep growing, learning and never look back
Till you surmount the height of your dream

Life is now and the moment is all but yours
Simplify it and live to the fullest
For live is just once and never
Live and let live

© thepurplefeathers