

The Rain Lover
Love the Rain
Not with body
But with heat and soul.
Feel the Rain
As you feel the loneliness around you.
Know the Rain
Like you know the real you.
Rain ,
Different for Different people Love erupts from me
Along with the Rain drops
Fills my bossom
Forgets the solitude
Feels the presence of someone
Under these cool drops .
Purifies me
Comforts me
As Rain drops falls all over me.
Kisses me everywhere
With the sweetness I longs for.
Hugs me tightly
With the comfort I search for.
Melody of Rain
Through my ears
Enriches my brain.
Washes tears away.
Vanishes worries of life.
Forgets all nightmares.
Recovers from all obstacles.
Moves my way forward.
Cures the broken heart
Ignities my life .
Yet my soul wants to
Stand in this harmony
Hope for the life to be still
At this moment
For my soul to eternally
Hugs her lover...The Rain...
💕 poojafeels💕

© poojafeels